Fortuna IMO 8408648 | built 1984 | GENERAL CARGO |
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Ship's data and history information |
Ship type GT DWT Length Breadth max. Draught Holds Containers (20ft) Grain capacity Bale capacity Cranes/Derricks Engine builder max. Speed Engine power Location Year of built Status Ship's history - recent - 2021 - 2018 - 2011 - 2008 - 2004 - 1991 (last revised 2022) | GENERAL CARGO 5586 t 8875 t 115 m 18 m 7.60 m 3 88 10914 m³ 10494 m³ Mitsubishi 12 kn 4600 hp Kochi, Japan 1984 ADMIRAL ANGEL M MARWAN A. LAKI BOE FJORD FORTUNA CLIPPER CHALLENGE | ||