Sophie IMO 9131278 | built 1999 | GENERAL CARGO |
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Ship's data and history information |
Ship type GT DWT Length Breadth max. Draught Holds Containers (20ft) Reefer Plugs Grain capacity Cranes/Derricks Engine builder max. Speed Engine power Location Year of built Status Ship's history - last - 2010 - 2008 - 2005 - 2002 - 2002 - 2002 - 2001 - 2001 - 1999 (last revised 2018) | GENERAL CARGO 22817 t 35230 t 171 m 30 m 11.70 m 8 1644 66 38636 m³ Sulzer 16 kn 16300 hp Szczecin, Poland 1999 SOPHIE SOPHIE RICKMERS CCNI AVILES CCNI ANTOFAGASTA CSAV BARCELONA CCNI ANTOFAGASTA CSAV BARCELONA CCNI ANTOFAGASTA CONTSHIP MEXICO CCNI ANTOFAGASTA | ||