Hajo IMO 8913021 | built 1991 | GENERAL CARGO |
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Ship's data and history information |
Ship type GT DWT Length Breadth max. Draught Holds Containers (20ft) Reefer Plugs Grain capacity Bale capacity Engine builder max. Speed Engine power Location Year of built Status Ship's history - recent - 2014 - 2004 - 2002 - 1999 - 1995 - 1995 - 1993 - 1992 - 1991 - 2018 (last revised 2022) | GENERAL CARGO 3818 t 4652 t 103 m 16 m 6.10 m 2 374 50 6788 m³ 6615 m³ MaK 14 kn 4500 hp Hamburg, Germany 1991 AMIRA LEEN HAJO PORTLINK SPRINTER NINCOP OPDR TEJO NINCOP NORASIA ALEXANDRIA NINCOP CITY OF VALLETTA NINCOP OPDR TEJO | ||